Instrutor Peixe
Born in Ohio and raised in Florida, Instrutor Peixe began his martial arts journey at a young age, exploring a variety of disciplines until he discovered Capoeira. Captivated by the art’s fluid movements and its rich musical traditions, he quickly realized that Capoeira would become a defining force in his life.
His passion for Capoeira deepened under the mentorship of Mestre Nozinho, where he not only sharpened his physical abilities but also immersed himself in the profound philosophical teachings of the art. The wisdom of Mestre Nô particularly resonated with him, helping to shape his approach to both Capoeira and life. This period of growth marked a pivotal turning point, illuminating his path with newfound clarity and purpose.
In 2018, a significant moment arrived when his mentor of six years left, leaving Instrutor Peixe at a crossroads. Rather than following the crowd, he chose to forge his own path. This decision led him to a period of self-guided learning and personal exploration, ultimately culminating in his leadership of the Capoeira Angola Palmares group in Orlando. His journey of self-discovery underscored a deep commitment to both the art and his own personal evolution.
Despite his independent trajectory, Instrutor Peixe maintains a strong connection with both Mestre Nô and Mestre Nozinho. He regularly seeks their guidance and travels internationally to learn from various masters, including frequent trips to Salvador, Bahia—the heartland of Capoeira culture.
Beyond Capoeira, Instrutor Peixe has carved out a creative outlet in music production. Merging elements of Hip-hop, EDM, Latin beats, and Capoeira rhythms, he crafts unique musical experiences that reflect his diverse influences and cultural heritage.
Balancing the demands of Capoeira, music, and personal life requires discipline—a challenge he meets with a steadfast routine and the guiding principle, “Capoeira na roda, Capoeira na vida” (Capoeira in the circle, Capoeira in life). This philosophy not only shapes his practice but also helps him navigate the complexities of everyday life.
Looking ahead, Instrutor Peixe is dedicated to achieving the rank of Professor and strengthening the Capoeira Angola community in Central Florida. His ongoing journey is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of Capoeira and his commitment to preserving and sharing this rich Afro-Brazilian cultural heritage.